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School leaders, including governors, share a commitment to give pupils an effective education. They understand the challenges this involves but are determined to make the school a highly effective one. 

Ofsted 2019

Our governance structure includes delegated responsibilities to the local governing boards of our academies, which promotes autonomy for the leadership of each school for local decisions to be made. Our schools each have their own local governing body to provide focussed contextual representation.  These LGBs provide valuable challenge to school leaders to ensure we meet the needs of our local communities.

Strong school leadership is underpinned by strong governance.  Our trust has highly skilled and experienced governors, board of trustees and members that have a clear understanding of their key roles: agreeing strategic vision & values, to monitor progress of trust and executive leadership, holding leaders to account, and ensuring effective and efficient use of finances.  All delegated responsibilities are set out in our trust scheme of delegation