Mission & Vision
Vision Statement
The trust’s vision is to create and grow inclusive, cross-phase and key stage academies that provide equality of opportunity for young people to achieve academic excellence.
Strategic Goals
- Ensure all students receive a high-quality and inclusive education in good and improving schools.
- Grow our trust model to incorporate additional pathways and providers that strengthen education provisions for vulnerable children.
- Deliver an outstanding careers curriculums leading to high quality destinations for all.
- Provide effective executive leadership and governance, strategic direction, and a culture of accountability.
- Deliver a curriculum for all that is broad and balanced, providing a wide range of cultural capital opportunities for students.
- Provide outstanding wellbeing, enrichment and personal development programmes that support inclusive education for all and improves attendance and participation.
- Maintain financial and operational sustainability, incorporating effective systems & processes that enable a 3-year programme of growth and capital investment.
- Invest in our people; grow our own leaders and specialists valuing stakeholder wellbeing and managing workload.