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Trust Finance & Operations

Fully centralised school business support is essential for school leaders to drive school improvement.   Through employing experienced, skilled and specialised officers in all areas and at all levels, we are able to free up our school improvement colleagues, both at academy and trust level, to focus on the core business of improving outcomes for children.

Our support teams reduce the burden on our leaders, offering expertise and full services in Finance, HR, Payroll, Data Management, ICT, Administration, Facilities, Health & Safety, Governance/Policy Support, Communication, Site Management and Capital Investment.

Our expert finance team has a clear focus on providing leaders, governors and trustees with up to date, clear and relevant information for informed decision making. We operate curriculum-led financial planning to support outcomes and experiences for all students.

The team provide:

  • Access to financial expertise and training from a range of staff including the DFO
  • Advice on compliance with the Academy Trust Handbook and the MAT’s financial procedures
  • Provision of internal and external audit service
  • Financial risk audits
  • Trust and school efficiency reviews and support

Access to a central team of qualified procurement specialists who will create a clear picture of your current procurement practices & provide advice on opportunities:

  • Training to procure goods & services effectively
  • Access to procurement savings via the MAT group agreements, economies of scale, collective budgeting for greater bargaining and purchasing power and bigger savings.

HR & Payroll
Our dedicated team supports our schools with all of their HR requirements including safer recruitment, staff wellbeing, payroll matters, performance management, and policy advice and guidance.

Our central IT support team ensure students and staff are equipped with up to date technologies, benefit from timely upgrades, capital investment and support.  The agile nature of the team ensures that expertise and support is shared amongst a wider group.  As a result, our curriculum is IT rich, empowering both students and staff creativity and passion for learning.