Welcome to the Trust
Welcome from Gary Smith, CEO
Welcome to The Basildon Academies Trust. Our trust currently comprises 2 secondary schools: The Basildon Lower Academy, and the Basildon Upper Academy.
We are a growing trust and over the past 4 years have experienced a rapid and sustained growth in student numbers within our 2 schools.
The Lower Academy specialises in the achievement and wellbeing of Key Stage 3 students, whilst the Upper Academy specialises in the achievement and wellbeing of Key Stage 4 and 5 students.
We pride ourselves on being a truly inclusive academy and this is actively underpinned by our ethos - ‘Aspire Believe Achieve’. Each school has its own identity, striving for success beyond circumstance for all, especially the most vulnerable.
Our Trust vision is ambitious for all. Our student’s welfare, academic progress and achievement is at the heart of everything we do. We endeavour to enhance the life chances of our young people through high quality education experiences that support cultural capital and drives social mobility for all.

CEO - The Basildon Academies Trust
School improvement is a core focus for our trust. The guiding principle for our school improvement is to make the biggest difference to the life chances of students in our schools. There is a clear drive for continuous improvement, with all stakeholders understanding the important role they play in this process.
We continue to invest in our people through CPD in order to support teachers and leaders in developing a culture of continuous improvement. We invest in all of our school leaders and staff to ensure they have the right level of professional development to drive standards.
Our Trust works in partnership with parents, governors and our wider community to ensure that each student develops the knowledge, skills and independence to achieve.
External reviews support our trust to challenge our effectiveness and impact in many areas such as parental and community engagement, health & well-being, supporting our vulnerable groups and respect & relationships. The challenges from these reviews are important in raising standards and supporting our local communities.
Strong school leadership is underpinned by strong governance. Our trust has a highly skilled and experienced board of trustees and members. A recent development has seen each of our schools, with its own dedicated Local Governing Body to provide focussed contextual representation.
As a trust we have ambitions for our continued growth, recognise we have many things we want to achieve, and understand where we can improve.
We look forward to working with you, engaging with your ideas and support to ensure we give our young people the very best chances.
Gary Smith
CEO, The Basildon Academies Trust